

1. Girls like guys with a sense of humor and hate guys who always brag about themselves. 2.Girls can either jokingly or seriously get jealous over your pubg game. 3. A girl may not trust her boyfriend every time, but she would always love her trusted one. 4. A girl cannot keep a secret for more than 47 hours and Girls spend one year of their lifetime just in deciding what to wear. 5. Girls would behave likewise with what profanity we use on them. If you scold her telling evil woman she would act accordingly and if you praise her with the words like a goddess, she would behave like a goddess. 6. In every 100 girls, only one would become the wife of her lover, remaining 99 would remain as passwords for Gmail and Facebook accounts of their lovers. 7. You should let her cool first before you say sorry, otherwise, she won't accept your apology. 8. Girls like guys who can protect and defend them. You don't have to be a Bruce Lee though. 9. Girls like guys who can protect ...


(1) . Side Plank Clams. This exercise is good for strengthening the core and gluteal (hip) muscles and also helps with shoulder stabilization. Lie on your side with your knee bent. Push up onto a modified plank position. Keeping your feet together, raise your top knee toward the ceiling (separate about 12 inches high). Slowly lower back down. Make sure your hips do not move backwards. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side. (2) . Side Lying Abduction against Wall. This exercise is good for strengthening the gluteal and core muscles to improve your landing mechanics. Lie against a wall on your side. Place a towel against your heel. Keeping your heel pushed back against the wall, slide your foot up about 24-48 inches. Slowly lower back down. Make sure you maintain contact with the wall at all times. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side. (3) .Way Heel Taps This exercise is good for strengthening the gluteal and quadriceps muscles to help with alignment ...